The following are the most current Guidelines for Soil Erosion and Sediment
Control :
1. One complete set of plans, and five (5) copies of plan entitled Soil Erosion
& Sediment Control.
2. Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Title.
3. Existing and Proposed Contours at 2 foot intervals. They must be legible and
consistently labeled.
4. Stabilized Construction Entrance, delineated on the plan, with supportive
detail & narrative indicating maintenance.
5. Dust Control. Methods of controlling dust and soil blowing must be included
as part of the plan.
6. Temporary and Permanent Seeding specifications, including lime, fertilizer,
seed, mulching material, types and rates of application.
7. North arrow.
8. Soil information and identification of site soil types.
9. Location of present and proposed drains and culverts with their discharge
capacities, velocities, and supporting calculations in accordance with the New
Jersey Standards for Soil Erosion & Sediment Control.
10. Delineation of any areas subject to flooding from the 100 year storm must be
delineated and included as part of the submission.
11. Delineation of Wetlands (NJSA 13:B-1, et seq.). If not applicable, state
that fact on the plan.
12. All areas subject to stream encroachment regulations must be delineated on
the plan. If not applicable, state fact on plan.
13. Engineer's signature and seal.
14. Delineation of the limit of disturbance for construction activities,
including any proposed off site disturbance.
15. Sequence of development, including the installation and maintenance of site
specific erosion control practices, and the estimated duration of each activity
for each phase of construction. Note that stormwater basins must be constructed
and stabilized during the early stages of development.
19. Location and accurate delineation of all streams, channels, water bodies,
and other natural features within and adjacent to the project area.
20. Plan delineation and supporting documentation for all structural soil
erosion methods including calculations, site-specific cross sections and
profiles of each structure.
21. Permanent vegetative seeding specification must be site specific and
appropriate to the intended usage. The Cumberland-Salem District requires that
the rate of application be a minimum of 4.0 pounds total seed per 1000 square
feet, this is equivalent to a rate of 175 total pounds of seed per acre. If
hydroseeding will be the method of application, the seed rate should be
increased by 25%. Hydroseeded areas must still receive straw mulch and tack.
22. A stormwater drainage plan, with the areas delineated on the plan that
correspond with the drainage calculations. Use arrows to indicate the direction
of flow.
23. All supporting hydrologic calculations and hydraulic design. Pipe flow
network analysis. Conduit outlet protection, 25 year design storm. Grassed
waterway, 10 year design storm. Stormwater basins, 2 & 10 year design storm,
routing through the basin with stage-storage-discharge data. Documentation that
basins will dewater within 10 days.
24. Submit a typical lot plan, noting grading, stone tire cleaning driveway,
silt fence, drainage swales, soil stockpiles, and all other appropriate erosion
control measures.
25. Plan delineation and supportive details of the following soil erosion
structures and measures:
[ ] Inlet protection [ ] Silt fence
[ ] Construction entrance [ ] Diversions
[ ] Conduit outlet protection [ ] Dewatering filters
[ ] Berms with stone wicks [ ] Slope protection structure.
26. Please provide a copy of the Pinelands Commission Certificate of Filing.
27. Stormwater management basin emergency spillway structure designs should
include permanent structural armament, such as rock rip rap, concrete or
synthetic erosion control matting.
28. If there are any off-site improvements being planned for this project,
please specify the improvements and delineate the improvements on the soil
erosion and sediment control plan.
29. Mulching specification: Salt hay or small grain straw applied at a rate of
70 to 90 lbs.11000 sq. ft. to be applied according to the New Jersey Standards.
Mulch shall be secured by approved methods, (liquid mulch binder, crimping, peg
& twine).
30. For large projects, (soil disturbance in excess of 15 acres), thought and
consideration for erosion control that would limit the overall amount of land
disturbed concurrently.
31. For a residential or commercial development, after curbs and utilities are
installed, either a vegetative filter strip or curbside sediment barriers should
be established. This feature should be detailed, delineated, and specified on
the plan.
32. Completion of the Detention Basin Data Base Summary Form if the development
proposes a stormwater management basin. The analysis should include delineation
of the watersheds) that drain to each basin on a copy of the U.S.G.S. Quad map.
33. At a minimum, silt fence should be reinforced by means of either wooden snow
fence with steel pickets or welded wire fence, minimum 14 gauge, with
rectangular openings no larger than 6" x11", supported by steel pickets.
34. Box and stone collar inlet protection should be utilized at all critical low
points. Silt sacks may be used as an acceptable substitute.
35. A pre-developed topographic drainage area map, scale appropriate to the
scope of the project, clearly showing flow paths, times of concentration,
subarea analyses which contribute discharge to the point of interest, and
identification of drainage areas with the corresponding calculations package.
36. A post developed topographic drainage area map, scale appropriate to the
scope of the project. The schematic should clearly identify the cumulative
subareas connected to the basin or point(s) of site discharge. The
identification and analysis must provide delineation of the flow paths, times of
concentration, and amounts of pervious & impervious areas connected to the
basin/point of discharge, as separate entities.
37. If the disturbed area will be 1 acres or more, the following requirement
must be addressed; The proposed soil disturbing activity for this site is in
excess of the minimum threshold set forth by the Statewide Stormwater Permitting
Program. Therefore, a Request for General Permit Authorization (R.F.A.) for
Stormwater Discharge Associated with Construction Activity is required.
38. Section 4.7 of the Standards states that "Where infiltration basins are
proposed, the existence of a stable condition at the emergency discharge area
must be provided, and for offsite stability analysis it must be assumed that
infiltration will not reduce the peak runoff for a 10 year storm." In order to
accomplish this, the rate and velocity of runoff through the basin spillway must
be determined for the 10 year storm assuming that the basin is completely full.
The flow path should be delineated on the plans. Any necessary conduit outlet
protection or other structures must be delineated and detailed.
39. Section 4.14 of the Standards states "there shall be no overfall from the
end of the apron to the receiving channel." Please provide a stable flow path
by extending the pipe, headwall, and outlet protection out to the stream. If
this solution is not feasible, the District may be able to accept the current
discharge point if the routed 10 year peak discharge is sufficiently reduced and
a scour hole is designed for outlet protection. If this alternative becomes
necessary, please add a note to the plans which states that any erosion between
the scour hole and the receiving waters will be repaired immediately.
40. In summary form show how the project meets the Residential Site Improvement
1. All applicable erosion and sediment control practices shall be in place prior
to any grading operation and/or installation of proposed structures or
2. Soil erosion and sediment control practices on the plan shall be constructed
in accordance with the Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in New
3. All applicable erosion and sediment control practices shall be left in place
until construction is completed and/or the area is stabilized.
4. Any disturbed area that will be left exposed-for more than sixty (60) days
and not subject to construction traffic shall immediately receive a temporary
seeding and fertilization in accordance with the New Jersey Standards and
application rates shall be included in the narrative. If the season prohibits
temporary seeding, the disturbed areas will be mulched with salt hay or
equivalent and anchored in accordance with the New Jersey Standards (i.e. peg
and twine, mulch matting or liquid mulch binder).
5. All critical areas subject to erosion will receive a temporary seeding in
combination with straw mulch at a rate of 2 tons per acre, according to the New
Jersey Standards immediately following rough grading.
6. The site shall at all times be graded and maintained such that all stormwater
runoff is diverted to soil erosion and sediment control facilities.
7, All soil erosion and sedimentation structures will be inspected and
maintained on a regular basis and after every storm event.
8. Soil stockpiles are not to be located within fifty (50) feet of a floodplain,
slope, roadway or drainage facility. The base of all stockpiles should be
protected by a hay bale barrier or sediment fence. Proposed locations must be
delineated on the plan.
9, A crushed stone, tire cleaning pad will be installed wherever a construction
entrance exists. the rip-rap pad must be 100 feet in length and the stone must
be 1.5" - 4" in .5ize, placed 12" thick and the full width of the entrance. It
should be underlain with a suitable synthetic filter fabric and maintained. (The
structure must be delineated and detail included on the plans.)
10. If a stone construction entrance is to be used as an exit on to a major
highway, a thirty (30) foot paved transition area shall be installed.
11. All driveways must be stabilized with 2 1/2" crushed stone or subbase prior
to individual lot construction.
12. Paved roadways must be kept clean at all times.
13, All catch basin inlets will be protected during construction (filter details
appear on plan).
14. All storm drainage outlets will be stabilized, as required, before the
discharge points become operational.
15. All dewatering operations must discharge directly into a sediment filtration
device. The sediment filter must be capable of filtering the sediment and be
placed so as riot to cause erosion of the downstream area. Details and
maintenance of the device must be included on the plans. Field placement and
use of the structure must be approved by the District Erosion Control Inspector
prior to commencement of dewatering activities.
16. The Cumberland/Salem Soil Conservation District shall be notified, in
writing, 72 hours prior to any land disturbance.
17. Topsoil a standard uniform application of 5 inches of clean topsoil is
recomended. Soils having a pH of 4.0 or less or containing iron sulfide must be
covered with a minimum of 12 inches of soil having a pH of 5.0 or more before
seedbed preparation.
18. it shall be the responsibility of the developer to provide confirmation of
lime, fertilizer and seed application rates at the request of the
Cumberland/Salem Soil Conservation District.
19. NJSA 4:24-39, et seq., requires that no Certificate of Occupancy be issued
before all the provisions of the certified soil erosion and sediment control
plan have been complied with for permanent measures. All site work for the
project must be completed prior to the District issuing a report of compliance
as a prerequisite to the issuance of a Certificate of occupancy by the
20. NJSA 4:24-39, et seq., requires that upon permanent site stabilization and
completion of the contractor shall apply to the Soil Conservation District for
a final compliance inspection to check that all the provisions of the certified
soil erosion and sediment control plan have been complied with for permanent
21. Offsite sediment disturbance may require additional control measures to be
determined by the Erosion Control Inspector.
22. A copy of the certified Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan must be
maintained on the project site during construction.
23. Any conveyance of this project prior to its completion will transfer full
responsibility for compliance with the certified plan to all subsequent owners.
24. Immediately after the completion of stripping and stockpiling of topsoil,
seed the stockpile with annual rye grass, Stabilize topsoil stockpile with straw
mulch for protection if the season does not permit the application and
establishment of temporary seeding.
25, Any changes to the site plan will require the submission of a revised Soil
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan to the Cumberland/Salem Soil Conservation
District. The revised plan must be in accordance with the current New Jersey
Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control.
26. Maximum side slopes of all exposed surfaces shall not be constructed steeper
than 3:1 unless otherwise approved by the District.
27. The Soil Erosion Inspector may require additional soil erosion measures to
be installed, as directed by the District Inspector.
Reference Images for these Guidelines